Monday, April 14, 2008

Be a Tutor/Mentor...

and decrease the number of gun threats and/or violence in our Colleges and Universities.

Reading a link this morning about the evacuation of Malcolm X Community College in Chicago made me lower my head. There was a threat at my alma mater as well, just a few weeks back. Someone thought it would be cool to drop a note into the community mailbox of a local apartment building that there would be a shooting on campus.

As we know, there was a shooting at Virginia Tech last year, and much closer to home at NIU this year. We will never know the thoughts of those shooters. But I think in general we could say that anyone who could shoot another person could use some guidance. Some mentoring. What effect could a mentor have had on those suspects? The answer is simple: tons.

Tutor/Mentors accentuate great parenting and make up for it, should it be lax. Every child needs a person to look up to, who instills hope within the student and lets him or her know, "you are a LEADER. You are special. You are going to succeed." What if each of those students had someone, a tutor/mentor, to GO to in times of need.

Those culprits were college students. Educated, brilliant minds... wasted. Because of low-self esteem, anger and selfishness -- all fixable traits with a little tender, love and care. This is why we come here everyday, to build and promote the lasting bonds and irreplaceable relationships between a student and his mentor. Someone who can show right and wrong, and teach her how to be accountable for her actions and proud of herself.

Find out more about what it is we do by visiting our home page and let us find a tutor/mentor program for you to take part in now to change and/or SAVE a life, in the future.

Students shouldn't be afraid to go to college.

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