Thursday, August 14, 2008

Doing Very Little...

Helps big time!

I am on this big research and conquer within my office finding old grant applications and fundraising ideas either on my own or with the help of our Program Coordinator *ahem* who is so graciously bringing me tons of folders filled with info as he organizes his desk... I secretly think it's payback for when I organized my space, lol, but I digress!

His action got me to thinking that I could deter some of these smaller, not-very work intensive actions to you guys. In helps of raising money for the Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection mission.

There are several ways that you can fundraise to support what we do here. So I have
concocted a small, yet effective list of simple (and creatively fun) fundraising ideas...

~Have a Par-tay With Labor Day just around the corner, a BBQ, perhaps? People could pay for the plates and the proceeds (or half of them if you'd like to make some of the money back you donate for food) could go to us. In the same realm, a dinner party, luau, or holiday party could work too. You can have a raffle and even add other games to raise, raise, raise.

~Seek Sponsorships for Activities You Do Already Get family, friends, coworkers to sponsor you to do something crazy, extraordinary or even silly. You could, oh I dunno, stop smoking, swim/run a marathon or 10K etc.

~Workplace Giving
• Community Shares of Illinois, Workplace Fund Raising Campaigns - (look for Tutor/Mentor Connection)
• Black United Fund of Illinois, Workplace Fund Raising Campaigns - (look for Cabrini Connections)

~Shop on eBay! Through MissionFish you can buy or sell items on eBay like you normally do, but a portion of the price goes to support Cabrini Connections.

What do I need to get started?

* Print a donation form and mail it in with the a check or money order of the money you raise
* Let me know how we can support your fundraising efforts with literature or items (we have lots of Cabrini Connections baseball caps!)

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